Monday, July 29, 2019

No topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 8

No topic - Essay Example The leucocytes involved in inflammatory response are basophils, eosinophils, neutrophils and macrophages along with tissue cells called mast cell. The damaged tissues release chemicals like histamine, kinins and prostaglandins that cause widening of blood vessels and increase in blood flow to site of injury. These chemicals initiate the white blood cells or leukocytes to migrate to injured site that is known as chemotaxis. The inflammatory response can be triggered by exogenous or endogenous agents like complement found in the plasma helps in releasing bradykinin and fibrinopeptides that helps antibodies to fight against the foreign substances. Two types of white blood cells are visible near the injured site, neutrophils are first found that help in avoiding the harmful bacteria from spreading while microphages are seen later to help clearing the damaged area of bacteria or dead cells thereby generating new tissue that reside until the injury is healed completely. 3. Proliferation takes up to four weeks or more depending on the severity of injury, in cases of severe injury the area affected may compose of specific tissue cells and other tissue known as granulation tissue which forms the scar tissue if not removed thereby decreasing the functional ability of tissue. 4. The new cells spread in the injured area try to produce a functioning tissue that might take months or years to develop with proper functioning. Stretching is helpful in strengthening the new tissue during remodeling. Organelles are bodies present in the cytoplasm that tend to serve various metabolic activities within the cells while lysosomes are sac like compartments that contain several enzymes helpful in breaking down harmful cell products, waste materials, cell debris and foreign substances in a phagocytic cell example macrophages and neutrophils. Stroma is the supporting framework of an organ composed of

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