Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Half Brained Essays - Cerebrum, Neuroscience,
Half Brained Your brain has two sides. And each has a distinctly different way of looking at the world. Do you realize that in order for you to read this article, the two sides of your brain must do completely different things? The more we integrate those two sides, the more integrated we become as people. Integration not only increases our ability to solve problems more creatively, but to control physical maladies such as epilepsy and migranes, replace certain damaged brain functions and even learn to thin into the future. Even more startling is evidence coming to light that we have become a left-brain culture. Your brain's right and left side have distinctly different ways of looking at the world. Your two hemispheres are as different from each other as, oh, Micheal Wilson and Shirley Maclean. The left brain controls the right side of the body (this is reversed in about half of the 15 percent of the population that is left-handed) and, in essence, is logical analytical, judgemental and verbal. It's interested in the bottom line, in being efficent. The right brain controls the left side of the body and leans more to the creative, the intuitive. It is concerned more with the visual and emotional side of life. Most people, if they thought about it, would identify more with their left brain. In fact, many of us think we are our left brains. All of that non-stop verbalization that goes on in our heads is the dominant left brain talking to itself. Our culture- particularly our school system with its emphasis on the three Rs (decidedly left-brain territory) - effectively represses the intuitive and artistic right brain. If you don't believe it, see how far you get at the office with the right brain activity of daydreaming. As you read, your left-side is sensibly making connections and analysing the meaning of the words, the syntax and other complex relation- ships while putting it into a language you can understand. Meanwhile, the right side is providing emotional and even humerous cues, decoding visual information and maintaining an integrated story structure. While all of this is going on, the two sides are constantly communicating with each other across a connecting fibre tract called the corpus callosum. There is a certain amount of overlap but essentially the two hemispheres of the brain are like two different personalities that working alone would be somewhat lacking and overspecialized, but when functioning together bring different strengths and areas of expertise to make an integrated whole. The primitive cave person probably lived solely in the right brain, says Eli Bay, president of Relaxation Response Inc., a Toronto organization that teaches people how to relax. As we gained more control over our environment we became more left-brain oriented until it became dominant. To prove this, Bay suggests: Try going to your boss and saying I've got a great hunch. Chances are your boss will say, Fine, get me the logic to back it up. The most creative decision making and problem solving come about when both sides bring their various skills to the table: the left brain analysing issues, problems and barriers; the right brain generating fresh approaches; and the left brain translating the into plans of action. In a time of vast change like the present, the intuitive side of the brain operates so fast it can see what's coming, says Dr. Howard Eisenberg, a medical doctor with a degree in psychology who has studied hemispheric relationships. The left brain is too slow, but the right can see around corners. Dr. Eisenberg thinks that the preoccupation with the plodding left brain is one reason for the analysis paralysis he sees affecting world leaders. Good leaders don't lead by reading polls, he says. They have vision and operate to a certain extent by feel. There are ways of correcting out cultural overbalance. Playing video games, for example, automatically flips you over to the right brain Bay says. Any artistic endavour, like music or sculpture, will also do it. In her best-selling book Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain (J.P. Tarcher Inc., 1979), Dr. Betty Edwards developed a series of exercises designed to help people tap into the right brain, to actually see or process visual information, differently. She cites techniques that are as old as time, and modern high-tech versions such as biofeedback. An increasing number of medical professionals beieve that being in touch with our brain, especially the right half, can help control medical problems. For examplem Dr. Eisenberg uses what he calls imaginal thinking to control everything from migranes to asthma, to high blood pressure. We
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Requisitos seguro mdico CHIP de bajo costo para nios
Requisitos seguro mdico CHIP de bajo costo para nios El Programa de Seguro de Salud para Nià ±os (CHIP, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) es un seguro mà ©dico gratis o a bajo coste para nià ±os y adolescentesà cuyos ingresos familiares les impiden calificar para Medicaid por ser demasiado altos, pero carecen de medios econà ³micos para comprar un seguro mà ©dico adecuado. Recordar que por la ley ACA, que se conoce popularmente como Obamacareà se puede estar obligado a tener seguro mà ©dico y, si no se tiene, puede haber multas. Chip es una opcià ³n para cumplir con ese requisito cuando la compra de un seguro mà ©dico privado para cubrir a los nià ±os resulta muy caro para las familias.à Adems, en algunos estados tambià ©n permite el acceso a embarazadas. Cul es el requisito de edad para obtener CHIP Hay variaciones importantes entre estados, ya que cada uno establece sus reglas. Sin embargo, la regla general ms comà ºn es que la cobertura se extiende a los menores de 19 aà ±os de edad. Adems, algunos estados incluyen laà cobertura de embarazadas sin importar su edad. Quià ©nes califican para CHIP segà ºn estatus migratorio Obviamente, califican los ciudadanos americanos. Pero para todos los que no lo son hay una divisià ³n entre los que califican y los que no. Califican Losà nià ±os y adolescentesà residentes permanentes legales que han cumplido cinco aà ±os con ese estatus, a menos que residan un estado que paga con su propio dinero el acceso a CHIP para estos inmigrantes y/o han aceptado dinero federal para expandir programas ya existentes.à En la actualidad los siguientes estados brindan CHIP a nià ±os sin tener que satisfacer el requisito de los 5 aà ±os de residencia permanente legal: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida,Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa,à Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Montana,Nebraska,à New Mexico, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island,à Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia y Wisconsin. Y tambià ©n Washington D.F. Asimismo, se exceptà ºan de esta regla de los cinco aà ±os los residentes que obtuvieron su green card por motivos humanitarios y los que sirven o han servido con honor en el Ejà ©rcito de Estados Unidos. En Tambià ©n califican los refugiados, asilados y otros migrantes humanitarios y, enà algunos estados, tambià ©n califican los migrantes en estatus PRUCOL.à No califican Los residentes permanentes cuya green card tiene menos de 5 aà ±os, excepto en los estados que sà estn amparados.Los turistasLos estudiantesLas personas con otras visas no inmigrantes, como de inversià ³n, intercambio o trabajoLos migrantes indocumentados Otros requisitos para CHIP En cada estado se pedir cumplir con ciertos niveles de ingresos. Tambià ©n se mira la composicià ³n de la familia y, en algunos estados, se piden requerimientos de historial laboral o incluso un periodo de tiempo sin cobertura mà ©dica. Uno de los requisitos es el de ingresos econà ³micos. En este punto hay grandes diferencias entre estados pero por regla general puede decirse que: Para el caso de nià ±os y adolescentes la mayorà a de los estados piden ingresos inferiores al 200 por cien de lo seà ±alado cada aà ±o por el gobierno como là nea de la pobreza. Hay estados que cubren con ingresos inferiores al 300 por ciento e incluso los que brindan beneficios con ingresos ms altos.Para el caso de las embarazadas, por regla general se pide tener ingresos no superiores al 185 por ciento de la là nea de la pobreza.à En la mayorà a de lo casos la persona a cargo del caso verificar electrà ³nicamente que se cumplen los requisitos, por ejemplo, el nivel de ingresos. Sin embargo hay una excepcià ³n a esta regla y es que se deber presentar prueba documental de que se cumplen los requisitos migratorios. Quà © beneficios pueden disfrutarse con CHIP Los nià ±os y adolescentes que cuenten con una tarjeta CHIP podrn gozar de atenciones mà ©dicas que varà an de estado a estado. Pero en general suelen estar incluidas las visitas regulares al mà ©dico, gastos de hospital, vacunas, anlisis de laboratorio, limpieza y empastes dentales y revisià ³n de la vista y espejuelos. Tambià ©n se incluyen los medicamentos dados con prescripcià ³n del doctor. Adems de las variaciones en cobertura mà ©dica que se producen entre los estados puede ocurrir que, dentro de un mismo estado, los nià ±os tengan diferentes seguros mà ©dicos. La tarjeta de los menores contiene el nombre de la compaà ±Ã a proveedora de seguro y su nà ºmero de telà ©fono, para poder asà saber con exactitud quà © cobertura tiene cada nià ±o. Con esos datos tambià ©n es posible averiguar quà © mà ©dicos aceptan ese seguro mà ©dico en la zona de residencia del chico. Quià ©nes pueden solicitar CHIP para los nià ±os y adolescentes Sus padres, tutores legales, abuelos o incluso hermanos mayores de edad, siempre y cuanto vivan con el menor al menos seis meses dentro del plazo de un aà ±o. En determinados casos los menores pueden aplicar directamente, como por ejemplo, cuando vivan solos. Aportacià ³n econà ³micade la familia para CHIP Las aportaciones familiares para colaborar con los gastos de este programa varà an segà ºn el estado de residencia,à de los recursosà econà ³micos y nà ºmero de miembros de la familia. Es muy comà ºn que haya que pagar una cantidad reducida en concepto de inscripcià ³n inicial.à Por ejemplo, en la actualidad en el estado de Texas el importe mximo que se abona es de 50 dà ³lares. Adems es posible que haya que abonar un co-pago cada vez que se utiliza el servicio. La cantidad varà a enormemente y puede ir desde los $2 a los $30. Tambià ©n es posible que resulte totalmente gratis. En todo caso nunca pasar del 5 por ciento de los ingresos familiares por aà ±o. Asimismo, ciertos servicios son siempre gratuitos, como por ejemplo, las vacunas. Cà ³mo verificar si se cualifica y aplicar De 4à maneras es posible verificar y, en su caso aplicar, para CHIP. En primer lugar eligiendo estado en el que se vive en la pgina federal oficial de Medicaid. Se puede hacer haciendo bajar la flechita hasta encontrar el estado o haciendo click en el mapa. Se abrir una pgina nueva con informacià ³n adicional, incluidos requisitos y cà ³mo aplicar. En segundo lugar, ingresando por internet a la pgina de Medicaid de cada estado En tercer lugar, en la pgina del Marketplace para seguros. En este caso, elegir estado introduciendo l zip code y hacer click en continuar. Despuà ©s elegir si se quiere una verificacià ³n de que se cumplen los requisitos o, si se sabe que sà , se puede proceder a aplicar. Y, en cuarto lugar, tambià ©n es posible realizar esta gestià ³n marcando gratuitamente al 1-800-318-2596. Quà © estados brindan mayor asistencia con CHIP En realidad 40 estados ms Washington D.C. de alguna forma han extendido el programa CHIP a ms inmigrantes que los que prevà © la ley federal, aunque hay muchas variaciones entre estados. Por ejemplo, en Massachusetts todos los nià ±os que cumplen los otros requisitos pueden tener acceso a CHIP, incluidos los indocumentados. Loà mismo sucede en Illinois donde ms de 1.5 millones de nià ±os reciben beneficios a travà ©s del programa All Kids, que es como se le conoce en ese estado. Por otro lado, MinnesotaCare brinda cobertura a los residentes permanentes menores de 21 aà ±os y no pide entre sus requisitos que se haya cumplido 5 aà ±os como residente. Adems, en California los muchachos con DACA aprobado menores de 21 aà ±os pueden tener acceso a Medi-Cal, si cumplen los otros requisitos. En el caso de ciegos o incapacitados no hay là mite de edad.à Esto significa que 10 estados sà ³lo cubren los casos bsicos. Estos son: Alabama, Carolina del Sur, Dakota del Norte, Dakota del Sur, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Mississippi y Missouri. Cà ³mo se le llama a CHIP en cada estado En cada estado este programa, que tiene fondos federales y estatales, recibe su propio nombre. Este es el listado Alabama: Alabama ALL kidsAlaska: Denali KidsCareArizona:à AHCCCS-KidsCareArkansas:à Arkansas Department of Human ServicesCalifornia: Healthy FamiliesColorado:à Child Health Plan Plus (CHP)Connecticut:à HUSKY ProgramDelaware:à Delaware Healthy Children ProgramFlorida:à Florida KidCareGeorgia:à Georgia PeachCare for KidsHawaii:à Med-QUEST DivisionIdaho:à Idaho CHIPIllinois:à Illinois All KidsIndiana:à Hoosier HealthwiseIowa:à Hawk-IKansas:à KanCare programKentucky:à Kentucky Childrens Health Insurance Program (KCHIP)Louisiana:à LaCHIPMaine:à CubCareMaryland:à Maryland Childrenââ¬â¢s Health Program (MCHIP)Massachusetts:à MassHealthMichigan:à MIChildMinnesota:à MinnesotaCareMississippi:à Health BenefitsMissouri:à MO HealthNetMontana:à Healthy Montana Kids PlusNebraska:à CHIPNevada:à Check UpNew Hampshire: CHIPNew Jersey:à FamilyCareNew Mexico:à New Mexi-KidsNew York:à Child Health PlusNorth Carolina:à Health ChoiceNorth Dakota: CHIPOhio:à Healthy FamiliesOklahoma:à SoonerCarePennsylvania: CHIPRhode Island:à Rite CareSouth Carolina:à Healthy Connections South Dakota: CHIPTennessee:à CoverKidsTexas: CHIPUtah: CHIPVermont:à Dr DynasaurVirginia:à FAMISWashington: CHIPWashington D.C.: CHIPWest Virginia: CHIPWisconsin:à BadgerCare PlusWyoming:à Kid Care CHIP Beneficiados por CHIP En la actualidad ms de ocho millones de nià ±os y adolescentesà gozan de cobertura mà ©dica a travà ©s de CHIP, lo que representa un costo de ms de $13 billones. Aunque tanto los estados como el gobierno federal contribuyen con fondos, es mayor la proporcià ³n del gobierno de los Estados Unidos. Por estados, California es, con 1,731,605 menores en este programa, el estado con ms beneficiados, seguido por Texas y Nueva York. Recursos prcticos Algunos estados brindan este tipo de proteccià ³n a travà ©s de una versià ³n extendida de Medicaid. Es el caso de Alaska, Hawaii, Carolina del Sur, Maryland, Vermont, Ohio, Nuevo Hampshire y Nuevo Mà ©xico, adems de Washington D.C. y el territorio de Puerto Rico.à Es importante informarse y que los asistentes sociales indiquen cul es la asistencia disponible segà ºn el caso. Se puede solicitar el ingreso en el programa CHIP en cualquier momento del aà ±o, si bien algunos estados piden que se lleve un tiempo determinado sin cobertura mà ©dica. Y, finalmente, estos son otros recursos a los que se podrà a tener derecho: cupones de alimentos tambià ©n conocido como SNAP, Medicaid, Wic para embarazadas e infantes, School Lunch o TANF, que es un programa de asistencia temporal a familias en situacià ³n de necesidad. Cuando se aplica por Medicaid o por CHIP se informa si se puede aplicar por otro programa de asistencia social. Este es un artà culo informativo. No es asesorà a legal.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Historical & Contextual Studies in Fashion Essay - 1
Historical & Contextual Studies in Fashion - Essay Example For women, the corset was worn to support the breasts and to develop a curved figure, narrowing the waist. In 1500s, the corset was introduced in France by Catherine de Medici. At that time, the corset was worn as an undergarment. It was a tight elongated bodice worn by Women of the French court in the 16th century (Davies, 1982). In this period, the women of the French court embraced the corset because it was considered as a necessary garment for the beauty of a female figure (Tortora and Eubank, 1989). It was worn with a farthingale in order to hold out the skirt and form a stiff cone. The corsets in this historical context also turned the upper part of a human torso into an inverted cone shape (V&A, 2015). The corset was also made of shoulder strap and had flaps at the waist. In order to form a good shape for the woman body, the corset flattened the bust. As a result, it pushed up the breasts. The corsets were made of layered fabric fastened with glue and tightly laced (Tortora and Eubank, 1989). A busk was used to stiffen the forefront of the bodice. It was made of wood, metal, whalebone, ivory or metal (V&A, 2015). The steel busk of the corset was spoon-shaped, and was wider at the bottom than at the top in order to exert pressure on the abdomen (Davies, 1982). This shape made the corset wearable and more restricting in order to tighten the waist. During the Victorian era, the busk was made of steel. As fashion changed, the corset also changed. In 1870s, the corset changed it shape, becoming longer so that it can cause the fashionable long and slender silhouette (Takeda and Spilker, 2010). The corsets also became more rigid in order to hide the layers of the underwear. They were heavily boned, and were cut from different pieces and toughened with leather. Whalebone was used because it was strong and flexible, achieving the shape of the corset and the body
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Project Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Project Management - Research Paper Example A project can be considered an endeavor which is temporary with a beginning and an end which is defined. It is usually constrained in terms of resources and time thus it is pursued in order to achieve unique objectives and goals with added value or beneficial change (Heldman, 2011). Thus, project management is tasked with the responsibility of ensuring that all the goals intended for a certain project are achieved. This paper will research comprehensively the significant principles of project management by selecting the aspects of a project that are crucial and discussing them further. It aim is to establish the fact that project management as a discipline is crucial in successfully achieving an organizationââ¬â¢s objectives Project Life-Cycle Management and the Benefits of Project Management to an Organization Generally a project life cycle management has four phases which are Initiation, planning, execution and closure (Watt, 2013). 1) Initiation The initiation phase involves de veloping a business case, undertaking a study of feasibility, establishing the charter of the project, appointing the team to undertake the project, setting up an office for the project, and finally performing a phase review. 2) Planning Planning involves creating a plan for the project, coming up with a resource plan, a financial plan, and a quality plan. Coming up with a risk plan, procurement plan, and a communication plan is also done in this phase. 3) Execution This is the phase where deliverables are built. It is also in this phase where the project is controlled and monitored. Here, ââ¬Å"cost management, time management, quality management, risk management, change management, communication management, procurement management, acceptance management, and issue management are performedâ⬠(Murch, 2001). 4) Closure Here steps are taken to wind up the project formally. Project Organizations and the Importance of Leadership and Sponsorship From a project management point of vi ew, there are three types of organizations, functional, projectized, and matrix organizations. In functional organizations, the manager is in charge of everything including team members completely. In projectized organization, teams are divided into different projects and when the project is over they move to another one. Finally, matrix organizations are a combination of both functional and projectized types of organization. Both leadership and sponsorship play a vital role in project management. The importance of sponsorship is that it avails all the necessary resources needed in project management ensuring that that the project meets its desired goals. On the other hand, the importance of leadership is that it plays a crucial role of controlling, planning and organizing the resources that have been provided by the sponsors ensuring that they are fully utilized enabling the project management team to realize their goals. Leadership in project management also ensures that a project is sponsored fully since it is tasked with seeking sponsors who are obvious beneficiaries of the project once it is undertaken and completed. Project Team Building and Techniques of Successful Team Building A project team is the group of personnel tasked with undertaking the whole process of the life cycle of project management. They may be each tasked to different processes of the project. There are various factors that should be considered when undertaking project team building. It is important for project leaders to understand the project which is
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Acts of Paul and Thecla Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Acts of Paul and Thecla - Research Proposal Example à ââ¬Å"In the Acts of Thecla for example, Paul gives a speech in which he recasts the part of the bible that we call the beatitudes. Thats the "blessed are the so and so...." Pauls version of this is all about blessed are the bodies of virgins ... blessed are the chaste. Its all about sexual chastity. That those are the people who are blessed in this new recasting of the Christian messageâ⬠. (Elizabeth Clark. "The Acts of Paul and Thecla" tell us of how a woman was instrumental in spreading the gospel. It clearly pictures her as being a very string minded and sincere. This depiction of an independent woman was not very apt during that time period when women were subdued and always in the background. Moreover her life after she meets Paul is seemed to be filled with miracles where she miraculously survives an attempt to burn her alive, or her confrontation with wild beasts where she survives unscathed. Further she escapes from some men through a crack in the rock made by God which was then closed behind her. As for Thecla we see her as a strong willed and faithful disciple of the Lord. Her celibacy and strong character shows up where she baptizes, preaches and heals and stands up to her faith amidst all hurdles. The path she had chosen is very unlike the women of her period. In a way these story was apparently used by women who wanted to preach the gospel and looked for a legitimate status as ministers of Gods word. This story certainly reads and sounds like a myth due to the various miracles in one personââ¬â¢s life which we do not see or hear in any other even the prophets.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Technology has bad effects on environment
Technology has bad effects on environment Industrialization coupled with technological advancement has continued to affect the environment in a negative way. Industrial benefits resulting from technological adaptation in major activities has indirectly contributed towards higher living standards though bad part on technology manifest more. This is evidenced by increasing international discussions and consultations through conferences and meetings. A major theme in such meetings is on environmental violations resulting from technology. Complaints and issues associated with effects of technology are arising globally (Ausubel Sladovich,1999). Environmental degradation is a growing concern as continued industrialization is being witnessed mostly in developed countries. There are three major negative impacts of technology on environment discussed in this essay. First, environmental pollution resulting from waste output is a resultant factor of technology. Contribution to global warming is the second effect of the growing technology. Lastly, depletion of natural resources and ecological imbalances experienced today result from technology. To start, environmental pollution occurs as a result of technology mismanagement and lack of control measures. Technological improvement in recent years has seen production of more machines, weapons and automobiles. Increased consumption of improved facilities triggers demand which in turn influences supply of required quality of products that are major effectors of industrialization using improved technology. Importance of technology in such cases is attributed to satisfaction of human wants. Though adverse pollution of environment due to increased production in the manufacturing and processing industries, weapons testing and high usage of automobiles such as cars. Air pollution, water and noise pollution are the key components of an environment that has been continually polluted as a result of technology. Emission of large quantity of gases such as CO2 in the air by large industries causes air pollution which in turn has degraded environment immensely. Again, disposal of waste into the rivers and water systems by industries and other institutions is an environmental hazard through water pollution. Similarly, a lot of noise pollution from weapons testing and usage, industries in their routine production processes and automobiles is causative of environmental dilapidation (Ausubel Sladovich, 1999). Furthermore, technology contributes towards depletion of resources. Development and usage of technology is contributing to increase industrial activity that requires raw material from natural resources such as coal, timber and wild animals. As well, extensive agricultural activities as experienced in Bangladesh is beneficial in terms of productivity but depletion of natural resources such as forest cover, water and soil fertility and its organisms composition is a likely event. Farming activities such as burning of bushes, deforestation and usage of chemicals to enhance soil fertility is an environmental exploitive. As well extensive mining of gold, diamond and other minerals is an activity that is contributing towards depletion of resources at an alarming rate. Overexploitation of fossil fuel and other resources ceases to be beneficial and becomes an environmental threat. In addition, ecological systems imbalances and disruptions result from technological advancements in the modern world. Collapse of ecological life and extinction of organisms from their natural habitats is a direct probable result of technology. Wildlife extinction from their natural habitat to create more space for farming activities and home for increasing population is an evidence of how technology causes ecological imbalances. Availability of improved technology causes people to device convenient ways of satisfying their basic needs and increased productivity requirement. Human embark of activities such as deforestation, extensive farming activities, environmental pollution which lead to changes in the natural lifecycles that maintain ecosystem. Though ecosystems can rebound from these negative effects, continued of environmental degradation through destructive human activities affected by technology will eventually lead to collapse. Lastly, current issues on global warming are negative effects of technology and environmental factors. Unchecked technology advancement and utilization specifically in areas causing air and water pollution leads to atmospheric gases imbalances (Ausubel Sladovich, 1999). Emission of harmful gases such as CO2 in large amounts forms greenhouse effects that are the major components of global warming. Green house gases result from activities such poor farming methods, transport systems, manufacturing processes and renewable power generation activities especially using coal. Fossil fuel extraction through burning and clearing of farming lands through burning concentrates harmful gases hence affecting climate. In conclusion, higher percentage of environmental problems is a direct result of technology mismanagement by innovators and users. A small portion of environmental issues relate to economic, social and natural changes resulting from human activities. Environmental pollution, ecological systems disturbances, depletion of natural resources and climatic changes resulting from global warming are technological influenced. Technology is significant in development and increased productivity to satisfy human need, but uncontrolled technology impacts environment negatively. References Ausubel, J. Sladovich, A. (1999).Technological advancement. Washington D.C, US: National Academic publishers.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Learning Styles Essay
A learning style is basically the preference or predisposition of an individual to perceive and process information in a particular way or combination of ways. (Lynne Celli Sarasin, 2006) There are eight intelligences and an individual has one or more strengths in one of those intelligences. As we have learned from the readings, there are multiple ways to understand how an individual learns. There are three primary senses that are involved in learning: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. Howard Gardner, for example, suggested that some students learn through their bodies (kinesthetic), others through music and rhythms (auditory), and many others through hand-outs and presentations (visual). Students have been learning in many different ways since ancient times. Teachers of Hinduism, Confucianism, Judaism, and Christianity all evaluated their studentsââ¬â¢ personalities, with an eye as to how to best teach them. (John D. Mayer, Ph. D. ) I have examined multiple websites on how Hinduism considers opinions of personality. For example, Hindu thought suggests that the wise person judges others with detachment and peace; as apposed to over-involvement, annoyance, or condescension. (John D. Mayer Ph. D. ) In Hinduism, the role of the yogi, or teacher, are to assist those, who sought enlightenment to learn about their essential atman (real inner self). (John D Mayer, Ph. D. ) Accomplished Hindu teachers distinguish among different types of students so as to provide each student with practices that will best guide him or her on the path to enlightenment. (John D. Mayer, Ph. D. ) As I further read into the article posted by John D. Mayer, he wrote about how there are three different types of students. Their way of learning is completely different from the way we learn here and what we learn about. I could use my primary sensory preference to increase my awareness and practice in Hinduism by watching videos and hearing lectures about their way of learning. (Due to the fact that I am a auditory and kinesthetic learner) Once I watch videos about their way of learning I would become more informed about their way of everyday life and their learning styles.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Bottling Company Case Study Essay
I am the manager at a major bottling company. Customers have begun to complain that the bottles of our brand of soda contains less than the advertised sixteen (16) ounces of product. My boss has asked me to investigate and solve the problem at hand. I have asked my employees to pull and measure the amount of soda in each of thirty (30) randomly selected bottles off the line from all the shifts at the bottling plant. 1. The following calculations show the mean, median and standard deviation for the case study. Mean =14.8 The mean was calculated by getting the sum of total ounces in each bottle and then dividing that total by the sample size of thirty (30). Median = 14.8 The median is derived from the number that is in the middle, once the measurements have been placed in chronological order. Since the sample size is an even number, the median is obtained by taking the average of the two numbers in the middle. Standard Deviation = 0.55033 The standard deviation is the square root of the variance, which is average of the squares of the distance that each value is from the mean. 2. 95% Confidence Interval = 6.056489716 The CI (confidence interval) is a specific interval estimate of parameter determined by using data obtained from a sample and the specific confidence level of the estimate. 3. Conduct a hypothesis test to verify if the claim that a bottle contains less than sixteen (16) ounces is supported. Clearly state the logic of your test, the calculations, and the conclusion of your test. Unfortunately, I was unable to complete this step in the investigation for lack ofà understanding and preparation. But, if I had to guess, I would say that the bottles do not contain the sixteen (16) ounces advertised. 4. Provide three (3) speculations as to why the bottles have less than sixteen (16) ounces of soda. The equipment was faulty in set up. Purposely designed to have less than sixteen (16) ounces for the purpose of expansion because acidic products need to have room for built up pressure. If a bottle has been agitated in transportation, once it is opened, there will be an exploded release of pressure. The calibration on the machine needs to be reset. In an effort to avoid the deficit in the future, the company can schedule frequent maintenance to the equipment to ensure proper function.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Printable ACT Practice Tests PDFs 6 FREE Official Tests
Printable ACT Practice Tests PDFs 6 FREE Official Tests SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips No matter how you prep for the ACT- whether you have a tutor, take a class, or study by yourself- you must get access to official, printable ACT tests. These tests are released by ACT, Inc., and contain real questions given to actual students on previous test dates. Although all of these questions have been removed from circulation (meaning you won't ever see them on the real ACT), their quality is second to none when it comes to realistic ACT practice. In this post, I'll tell you where you can find all official, printable ACT practice tests with answer keys. I'll also give you key strategies to help you make big improvements on each practice test. 6 Free, Printable ACT Practice Tests Below are all six currently available PDFs for official ACT tests. Even though some practice tests are old (dating as far back as 2005), the format of the ACT hasn't changed much since then (except for the introduction of a redesigned Writing section in 2015), so you're basically still taking the same test from more than a decade ago. ACT Printable Practice Test 2018-2019 (Form 74FPRE) Test: p11-55. Answer key: p57-60. ACT Printable Practice Test 2015-16 (Form 72CPRE) Test: p11-55. Answer key: p57-62. ACT Printable Practice Test 2014-15 (Form 67C) Test: p11-51 (ignore the essay). Answer key: p56-62. ACT Printable Practice Test 2011-12 (Form 64E) Test: p13-56 (ignore the essay). Answer key: p60-65. ACT Printable Practice Test 2008-09 (Form 61C) Test: p13-55 (ignore the essay). Answer key: p60-64. ACT Printable Practice Test 2005-06 (Form 59F) Test: p13-55 (ignore the essay). Answer key: p60-65. Each test includes a full answer key so you can grade your test. Notice a few years missing? That's because ACT, Inc., often duplicates the same practice test in consecutive years. For example, the 2015-16 test is identical to the 2016-17 and 2017-18 tests. We've included the form ID for each test (in parentheses) so that you can check what's the same and what's different (the ID is located in the bottom-left corner of each page). Once you've downloaded a PDF practice test, I recommend printing it out and working through it on paper using official time limits (more on this in a moment). Note that these tests are not a cure-all for your ACT problems. To use them effectively, you'll need to learn what they do and don't do. You'll also need to make sure you're using ACT practice tests at an optimal frequency (in other words, don't take one too close to your ACT test date!). But how else can you utilize official practice tests in your ACT prep? 6 Strategies to Get the Most Out Of ACT Practice Tests When you set aside four hours for an ACT practice test, it's important to try to get the most out of your time and energy. Using our six critical tips below as you take your ACT tests can help you prepare more effectively for test day. #1: Print Out the Test and Work Through It on Paper You're going to take the actual ACT on paper (as opposed to a computer), so it's best to emulate this format by taking each practice test on paper, too. Do your scratch work directly in your "test book" (in other words, not on separate pieces of scratch paper- remember, you won't get any extra paper on test day, though you are allowed to take notes directly on your test!). If you're taking the Writing (essay) section, be sure to use the lined essay paper (included in each PDF above) to write out your essay by hand. #2: Keep Strict Timing on Every Section Many students struggle with time pressure on the ACT. Going over a section's time limit by just two minutes can make a noticeable difference in your score since you're essentially giving yourself the chance to answer two or three more questions. This is why it's so important to adhere to the official time limits. Not only will this help you get used to the test structure, but it'll also let you learn how to identify your weaknesses. Here are the official time limits on the ACT as well as approximately how long you should aim to spend per question on each section: ACT Section Time per Section Time per Question English 45 minutes 36 seconds Math 60 minutes 60 seconds Reading 35 minutes 52 seconds Science 35 minutes 52 seconds Writing (Optional) 40 minutes 40 minutes Last but not least, the ACT isn't without breaks, so make sure to rest during your test, too! #3: Take the Test in One Sitting, If Possible The ACT is a marathon: it lasts about four hours, and you have to take it on a Saturday morning. Thousands of students have told me how difficult it is to stay focused during the whole exam and how easy it is to make careless mistakes at the end of the test. Just like training for a marathon, you need to ensure you've got enough endurance to be able to succeed on the ACT. And the best way to do this is to take a practice test in one sitting- just as you will on test day. If there's no possible way for you to take an ACT test in one sitting (for example, maybe you're an athlete and have practice every day that completely wears you out), it's OK to split up the test over multiple days- just as long as you're obeying each section's time limit exactly. In the end, it's better to do some practice than none at all! #4: Review Your Answers and Mistakes The main point of taking ACT practice tests isn't just getting to do a lot of questions- it's being able to learn from your mistakes. For every test you take, review all of your mistakes as well as every question you got right. If you don't know why you missed a question, don't gloss over it! Doing this means you won't learn from your mistakes and will keep making them over and over again, thereby lowering your score. Ultimately, learn to prize study quality over quantity. It's better to take three ACT practice tests with detailed review instead of six practice tests with no review. #5: Take At Least 4 Practice Tests Before Test Day Based on my experience with thousands of students, I've found that taking four practice tests makes you extremely comfortable with the ACT in all respects: timing, endurance, and even stress. While you can definitely take more than four tests if you want, you'll need to balance this practice with some focused prep on your weaknesses so that you can make faster progress. #6: No Score Improvement? Supplement Your Practice Tests Some students are great at using practice tests to study by themselves- they'll see a mistake they made, instantly realize why they made it, and then avoid making it in the future. That said, most students need additional help with pinpointing their weaknesses and getting down key test-taking skills and strategies. Some of the best options for prep help include hiring a tutor, buying a comprehensive ACT prep book, and taking an online ACT prep course. Our dedicated guide can help you figure out which ACT prep method works best for you. What's Next? Ready to get a perfect ACT score? Read our famous guide on what it takes, written by an expert 36 scorer. If you're aiming for top scores on all four sections of the ACT, read our in-depth strategy guides on how to get a 36 on ACT English, ACT Math, ACT Reading, and ACT Science. Want to improve your ACT score by 4 points? Check out our best-in-class online ACT prep program. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your ACT score by 4 points or more. Our program is entirely online, and it customizes your prep program to your strengths and weaknesses. We also have expert instructors who can grade every one of your practice ACT essays, giving feedback on how to improve your score. Check out our 5-day free trial:
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Sharpe BMW Example
Sharpe BMW Example Sharpe BMW ââ¬â Case Study Example Sharpe BMW Case Summary and Detailed Responses to the Questions Provided In the Case Study Since the departure of the previous service director, service departmentââ¬â¢s revenue and customer satisfaction index rating (CSI) have fallen (Cummings & Worley, 2009). Deshane discovered that the problem at the service department was the differential rate of remuneration paid to service technicians for the two types of jobs (customer pay work and warranty dealership job). There is great disparity between customer pay and warranty pay. To correct the problem, the service director, Bob Deshane, intends to transform the service department by implementing a new compensation plan. Tom, Dun, the companyââ¬â¢s service manager is to implement the plan aimed at improving dealerââ¬â¢s CSI ratings and the service departmentââ¬â¢s revenues. Dunââ¬â¢s main concern is how to effectively implement the bonus plan, which could help to address the long-lived industry problem of technician compe nsation.One of the pros of the plan is that it is a motivator to the service technician. Jack Sycamore, a level-two technician, feels satisfied because he sees that his efforts are rewarded beyond good work praises. Also, the bonus plan can enhance efficiency of technicians and hence the service department leading to high level of customer efficiency. However, the plan also has cons because the bonus offer is meager as stated by Peter Jackson, a level-one technician. It also does not recognize techniciansââ¬â¢ level of certification, which can demoralize high-level technicians.Implementation Plan for DunThe implementation plan is based on Kurt Lewinââ¬â¢s 3-step change management model of Unfreeze ââ¬â Change ââ¬â Refreeze.1. Unfreeze: Preparing the department to accept the need for change. Use compelling message to demonstrate that the status quo must be dismantled by indicating important facts like declining revenues and CSI ratings. Create uncertainty. 2. Change: Co mmunicate the likely change benefits and how it will take place to the people involved. 3. Refreeze: fix changes into the departmentââ¬â¢s culture, provide relevant support and celebrate success.ReferenceCummings, T. G., & Worley, C. G. (2009). Organization development and change (9th Ed.).Mason, OH: Cengage.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Should us allow more foreighn workers with VH1 visas Essay
Should us allow more foreighn workers with VH1 visas - Essay Example of immigrants that currently live and work in USA should be considered as extremely high while the entrance of new immigrants in the country on a daily basis (in accordance with the data presented above) is an issue that should lead the countryââ¬â¢s governor to take significant measures in order to protect the country from the flows of immigrants mostly by making the procedure for the provision of visas extremely difficult so that the number of immigrants in USA to be limited. Regarding this issue, we could refer to the study of Bach (1986, 139) who noticed that ââ¬Ëthe incorporation of immigrants into the advanced industrial states may be best understood in the context of recent theoretical debates over the changing character of racial and gender inequalityââ¬â¢. It should be also noticed that immigration in USA has been related with many aspects of the countryââ¬â¢s social and political life. In fact, in accordance with the study of Fairchild (2004, 528) ââ¬Ëthe rac ial politics of immigration have punctuated national discussions about immigration at different periods in US history, particularly when concerns about losing an American way of life or American population have coincided with concerns about infectious diseasesââ¬â¢. All the above issues have significant importance in the identification and the evaluation of position of immigrants in USA. The legal and financial support of immigrants arriving in the country (through the provision of necessary documentation in order to have the right to work) should be explained at a next level. In current paper the provision of a particular type of visa (VH1 visa) is being examined trying to identify the effectiveness of the terms required for granting this visa to immigrants across USA. On the other hand, the governmental policies regarding the procedure of granting VH1 visas to immigrants is being examined highlighting the issues that possible appear in relation with the particular problem. Traditionally, USA has been
Friday, November 1, 2019
Discussion Board Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2
Discussion Board - Essay Example Four issues have arisen regarding the criminal justice system and its relation to individual rights and social control ââ¬â restorative justice, retributive justice, psychiatric imprisonment and transformative justice. Restorative justice assumes that the victims can be restored to a condition ââ¬Å"just as good asâ⬠before the criminal incident and that penalties for wrongs include community service, restitution and other alternatives to imprisonment. Psychiatric imprisonment, on the other hand, treats crime nominally as illness and, therefore, could be treated by psychoanalysis, drugs and other techniques. Transformative justice, meanwhile, does not consider the life of the victim and the offender, nor make any comparison about it before or after the criminal incident. It assumes that all people can be transformed and not to re-offend nor avenge. (Criminal) It is in my opinion that the United States criminal justice process follows the retributive model. That is because our system uses punishment to ââ¬Å"pay backâ⬠wrongful deeds. When we say pay back we do not necessarily mean primitive forms of vengeance, but imprisonment, capital punishment and other punishments that the law deemed proportionate to criminal acts done against other human beings and the society as a whole. Our retributive system does not advocate vengeance per se, but justice in response to the wrongs committed against the victims and innocents. (Maiese) There are three important features in the United States criminal justice system. First, the US criminal jurisprudence is designed to protect the rights of the accused. Second, it is an open system where the court responds and reflects to its environment and therefore, is inevitably connected to the political process. And finally the third feature is the interdependency of the agencies within it ââ¬â the police, courts and correctional departments. Currently, the US criminal justice
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